Energy industry investment cools dramatically
The oil price crash of recent weeks has triggered a wave of huge exploration and production capital expenditure cuts
The oil price crash of recent weeks has triggered a wave of huge exploration and production capital expenditure cuts
Force-feeding economic modernization is a tricky business, even for a Father of Confederation
Exports on the rise to U.S. and elsewhere: StatsCan
Statistics Canada said exports of crude oil and equivalent products increased 10.7% from the same month a year earlier
ATB report blames the decline on the completion of major projects and the dramatic oil price differential
Alberta (82.6%), Saskatchewan (10.3%) and Newfoundland and Labrador (4.7%) accounted for the vast majority of Canadian production
Alberta (80.9%), Saskatchewan (10.7%) and Newfoundland and Labrador (5.9%) accounted for the vast majority of Canadian production of crude oil and equivalent products
Governments should abolish the fruitless minimum wage if they want to do right by young and low-income persons
Smart agriculture movement offers the perfect template: it’s about building trust with consumers by telling stories about good – and improving – practices